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SolidJS Tutorial

This tutorial will show you the basics of using Fireproof in SolidJS. It contains a simple example as well as additional details on how it all works.

NOTE: The @fireproof/solid-js package is still on 0.18 and contributions are welcome.


To get started, install solid-js and @fireproof/solid-js. (Note: solid-js is a peer depdendency)

npm install solid-js @fireproof/solid-js
pnpm install solid-js @fireproof/solid-js


Create an instance of Fireproof, the first document & a live query. For this example we're using a 'ToDo' list.

import { createFireproof } from "@fireproof/solid-js";

type Todo = { text: string; date: number; completed: boolean };

// You can have a global database that any Solid component can import
const TodoListDB = createFireproof('TodoListDB');

Or you can destructure the hook
const { database, createDocument, createLiveQuery } = createFireproof('TodoListDB');

export default function TodoList() {
const todos = TodoListDB.createLiveQuery<Todo>('date', { limit: 10, descending: true })
const [todo, setTodo, saveTodo] = TodoListDB.createDocument<Todo>(() => ({
text: '',
completed: false,

API Reference

More details about the SolidJS APIs that were used in the example above.


The primary export of the @fireproof/solid-js package is the createFireproof SolidJS hook.

// API Signature
function createFireproof(dbName?: string, config?: ConfigOpts): CreateFireproof;

Using the hook without specifying a name for the database will default the name to FireproofDB under the hood. Aside from receiving an accessor to the database, you will also receive two supporting SolidJS hooks createDocument and createLiveQuery which act against said database.

// non-destructured vs destructured
const FireproofDB = createFireproof();
const { createDocument, createLiveQuery, database } = createFireproof();

const AwesomeDB = createFireproof("AwesomeDB");
const { createDocument, createLiveQuery, database } = createFireproof("AwesomeDB");


Create (or modify) a document in your Fireproof database.

// API Signature
function createDocument<T extends DocRecord<T>>(initialDocFn: Accessor<Doc<T>>): CreateDocumentResult<T>;

To modify an existing document, include the _id field. Omit that field to create a new one, as shown:

type Todo = { text: string; count: number; completed: boolean };

// Creates a new document on save
const [todo, setTodo, saveTodo] = createDocument<Todo>(() => ({ text: "", count: 0, completed: false }));

// Modifies an existing document (by _id) on save
const [todo, setTodo, saveTodo] = createDocument<Todo>(() => ({ _id: "...", text: "", count: 0, completed: false }));

The createDocument API will return to you a tuple containing three things:

  • the document getter
  • the document setter
  • save/write function to database

The hook supports TypeScript generics, so all functions in the tuple will be type-scoped to the custom type injected as part of the invocation.

The getter/setter operates much like a standard createSignal call, except the setter has a different signature.

type UpdateDocFnOptions = { readonly replace?: boolean };
type UpdateDocFn<T extends DocRecord<T>> = (newDoc?: Partial<Doc<T>>, options?: UpdateDocFnOptions) => void;

Examples of how to use the setter:

const [todo, setTodo] = createDocument<Todo>(() => ({ text: "", count: 0, completed: false }));
// Sticking with the Todo objects from above.
// You can pass partial structs updating target fields
// Or you can update everything at once
setTodo({ text: "newTodo" });
setTodo({ count: 3 });
setTodo({ completed: true });

// Output { text: "newTodo", count: 3, completed: true }

// Reset the document to default original state

// Output { text: "", count: 0, completed: false }

// Using the replace option will completely overwrite the document.
// Essentially, it is both a reset as shown earlier + an apply
setTodo({ text: "anotherTodo", count: 2, completed: false }, { replace: true });

The last function in the tuple is save/write to database. It has the following signature:

type StoreDocFn<T extends DocRecord<T>> = (existingDoc?: Doc<T>) => Promise<DbResponse>;

This function has two modes of use:

  • Save/update the current document to the database
  • Save/update an existing document in the database

The first mode is executed by simply invoking the function like so:

await saveTodo(); // save/write the current document state to the database

The second mode can only be exercised by complementing createDocument with the results from createLiveQuery, like this:


Access to live query results, enabling real-time updates in your app.

type LiveQueryResult<T extends DocRecord<T>> = {
readonly docs: Doc<T>[];
readonly rows: IndexRow<T>[];

export type CreateLiveQuery = <T extends DocRecord<T>>(
mapFn: string | MapFn,
query?: QueryOpts,
initialRows?: IndexRow<T>[]
) => Accessor<LiveQueryResult<T>>;

Here are some usage examples:

const result = createLiveQuery("_id"); // all documents
const result = createLiveQuery("date"); // find docs with a 'date' field
const result = createLiveQuery<Todo>("date", { limit: 10, descending: true }); // key + options + generics

The createLiveQuery hook is responsibile for subscribing for document updates against the database. If any changes have been made, the query results will be updated, triggering a re-render of contents on your web application.

You can specify your function as a string and Fireproof will interpret it as indexing that field on all documents. You can also pass a function for more control. The same mechanism that powers the built-in indexes can all be used to connect secondary vector indexers or fulltext indexes to Fireproof. Follow this tutorial to connect a secondary index.


The last thing you receive from createFireproof is the accessor to the underlying Fireproof database. This can also be used to access the database, like so:

const { id } = await database().put({
_id: 'three-thousand'
name: 'André',
age: 47

const doc = await database().get('three-thousand')
// {
// _id : 'three-thousand'
// name : 'André',
// age : 47
// }

const result = await database().query("age", { range: [40, 52] })

To see what else you can do, head over to the JavaScript API basics.

What's Next

If you're building with Fireproof and SolidJS, we want to hear from you - join our Discord, or find us on Twitter and LinkedIn. The community is already doing amazing things, we're excited to support you!