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useLiveQuery is a React hook that provides access to live query results, enabling real-time updates in your app. For a step-by-step tutorial building an app with useLiveQuery, check out the React tutorial.

Quick Start

Install the package:

npm install use-fireproof

Import the library:

import { useLiveQuery } from 'use-fireproof'

Call the useLiveQuery hook from within a React component, in this case to sort by date:

const todos = useLiveQuery('date')

Render based on the results:

{ => (
<li key={todo._id}>{todo.text}</li>

Save a new todo item via the useLiveQuery.database convenience accessor:

useLiveQuery.database.put({ text: 'New Todo', date:, completed: false })

That's it! Read on for details or customize the database you connect to with the useFireproof hook.

Basic Example

In your app, you can use the top-level useLiveQuery hook to get access to the database and live query responses. Here's an example to-do list that initializes the database and sets up automatic refresh for query results. It also uses the database.put function to add new todos. With sync connected, the list of todos will redraw for all users in real-time. Here's the code:

import { useLiveQuery } from 'use-fireproof'

export default TodoList = () => {
const todos = useLiveQuery('date').docs
const database = useLiveQuery.database
const [newTodo, setNewTodo] = useState('')

return (
<input type="text" onChange={e => setNewTodo(} />
<button onClick={() => database.put({ text: newTodo, date:, completed: false })}>
{ => (
<li key={todo._id}>
onChange={() => database.put({ ...todo, completed: !todo.completed })}

This example shows calling useLiveQuery and database.put. It may be all you need to get started.

Top-level Usage

You can use the useLiveQuery hook to subscribe to query results, and automatically redraw when necessary. When sync is enabled you'll have both parties updating the same UI in real time. Here's an example of a simple shared to-do list. For something like a form, you should call useDocument instead. There are two ways to call useLiveQuery - as a top-level hook, or based on the return value of useFireproof, which allows you to specify the database name and replication options. Most apps will start with the top-level useLiveQuery hook, and then move to the lower-level API when they need more control.

import { useLiveQuery } from 'use-fireproof';

export default TodoList = () => {
const todos = useLiveQuery('date').docs

The top-level call (above) will use the default database name, and the default replication options.

Configuring with useFireproof

You can also call useLiveQuery with a database name and replication options, by instantiating the useFireproof hook directly. Here's an example that uses the lower-level API:

import { useFireproof } from 'use-fireproof';

export default TodoList = () => {
const { database, useLiveQuery } = useFireproof("my-todo-app")
const todos = useLiveQuery('date').docs